Лаборатория фундаментальной и прикладной рентгеновской астрофизики
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
The first X-ray polarimetric observation of the black hole binary LMC X-1
Podgorny J.
Marra L.
Muleri F.
Rodriguez Cavero N.
Ratheesh A.
Dovciak M.
Mikusincova R.
Brigitte M.
Steiner J.
Veledina A.
Bianchi S.
Krawczynski H.
Svoboda J.
Kaaret P.
Matt G.
Garcia J.
Petrucci P.
Лутовинов, А.
Семена, А.
Di Marco A.
Negro M.
Weisskopf M.
Ingram A.
Poutanen J.
Beheshtipour B.
Chun S.
Hu K.
Mizuno T.
Sixuan Z.
Tombesi F.
Zane S.
Agudo I.
Antonelli L.
Bachetti M.
Baldini L.
Baumgartner W.
Bellazzini R.
Bongiorno S.
Bonino R.
Brez A.
Bucciantini N.
Capitanio F.
Castellano S.
Cavazzuti E.
Chen C.
Ciprini S.
Costa E.
De Rosa A.
Del Monte E.
Di Gesu L.
Di Lalla N.
Donnarumma I.
Doroshenko V.
Ehlert S.
Enoto T.
Evangelista Y.
Fabiani S.
Ferrazzoli R.
Gunji S.
Hayashida K.
Heyl J.
Iwakiri W.
Jorstad S.
Karas V.
Kislat F.
Kitaguchi T.
Kolodziejczak J.
La Monaca F.
Latronico L.
Liodakis I.
Maldera S.
Manfreda A.
Marin F.
Marinucci A.
Marscher A.
Marshall H.
Massaro F.
Mitsuishi I.
Ng C.
O'Dell S.
Omodei N.
Oppedisano C.
Papitto A.
Pavlov G.
Peirson A.
Perri M.
Pesce-Rollins M.
Pilia M.
Possenti A.
Puccetti S.
Ramsey B.
Rankin J.
Roberts O.
Romani R.
Sgro C.
Slane P.
Soffitta P.
Spandre G.
Swartz D.
Tamagawa T.
Tavecchio F.
Taverna R.
Tawara Y.
Tennant A.
Thomas N.
Trois A.
Tsygankov S.
Turolla R.
Vink J.
Wu K.
Xie F.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
X-ray polarimetry of the accreting pulsar GX 301−2
Suleimanov V.
Forsblom S.
Tsygankov S.
Poutanen J.
Doroshenko V.
Doroshenko R.
Capitanio F.
Di Marco A.
Gonzalez-Caniulef D.
Heyl J.
La Monaca F.
Лутовинов, А.
Мольков, С.
Malacaria C.
Mushtukov A.
Штыковский, А.
Agudo I.
Antonelli L.
Bachetti M.
Baldini L.
Baumgartner W.
Bellazzini R.
Bianchi S.
Bongiorno S.
Bonino R.
Brez A.
Bucciantini N.
Castellano S.
Cavazzuti E.
Chen C.
Ciprini S.
Costa E.
De Rosa A.
Del Monte E.
Di Gesu L.
Di Lalla N.
Donnarumma I.
Dovciak M.
Ehlert S.
Enoto T.
Evangelista Y.
Fabiani S.
Ferrazzoli R.
Garcia J.
Gunji S.
Hayashida K.
Iwakiri W.
Jorstad S.
Kaaret P.
Karas V.
Kislat F.
Kitaguchi T.
Kolodziejczak J.
Krawczynski H.
Latronico L.
Liodakis I.
Maldera S.
Manfreda A.
Marin F.
Marinucci A.
Marscher A.
Marshall H.
Massaro F.
Matt G.
Mitsuishi I.
Mizuno T.
Muleri F.
Negro M.
Ng C.
O'Dell S.
Omodei N.
Oppedisano C.
Papitto A.
Pavlov G.
Peirson A.
Perri M.
Pesce-Rollins M.
Petrucci P.
Pilia M.
Possenti A.
Puccetti S.
Ramsey B.
Rankin J.
Ratheesh A.
Roberts O.
Romani R.
Sgro C.
Slane P.
Soffitta P.
Spandre G.
Swartz D.
Tamagawa T.
Tavecchio F.
Taverna R.
Tawara Y.
Tennant A.
Thomas N.
Tombesi F.
Trois A.
Turolla R.
Vink J.
Weisskopf M.
Wu K.
Xie F.
Zane S.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
RX J0440.9+4431: another supercritical X-ray pulsar
Salganik A.
Tsygankov S.
Doroshenko V.
Мольков, С.
Лутовинов, А.
Mushtukov A.
Poutanen J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
X-ray polarimetry of X-ray pulsar X Persei: another orthogonal rotator?
Mushtukov A.
Tsygankov S.
Poutanen J.
Doroshenko V.
Salganik A.
Costa E.
Marco A.
Heyl J.
Monaca F.
Лутовинов, А.
Мереминский, И.
Papitto A.
Семена, А.
Штыковский, А.
Suleimanov V.
Forsblom S.
Gonzalez-Caniulef D.
Malacaria C.
Сюняев, Р.
Agudo I.
Antonelli L.
Bachetti M.
Baldini L.
Baumgartner W.
Bellazzini R.
Bianchi S.
Bongiorno S.
Bonino R.
Brez A.
Bucciantini N.
Capitanio F.
Castellano S.
Cavazzuti E.
Chen C.
Ciprini S.
De Rosa A.
Del Monte E.
Gesu L.
Lalla N.
Donnarumma I.
Dovciak M.
Ehlert S.
Enoto T.
Evangelista Y.
Fabiani S.
Ferrazzoli R.
Garcia J.
Gunji S.
Hayashida K.
Iwakiri W.
Jorstad S.
Kaaret P.
Karas V.
Kislat F.
Kitaguchi T.
Kolodziejczak J.
Krawczynski H.
Latronico L.
Liodakis I.
Maldera S.
Manfreda A.
Marin F.
Marscher A.
Marshall H.
Massaro F.
Matt G.
Mitsuishi I.
Mizuno T.
Muleri F.
Negro M.
Ng C.
O'Dell S.
Omodei N.
Oppedisano C.
Pavlov G.
Peirson A.
Perri M.
Pesce-Rollins M.
Petrucci P.
Pilia M.
Possenti A.
Puccetti S.
Ramsey B.
Rankin J.
Ratheesh A.
Roberts O.
Romani R.
Sgro C.
Slane P.
Soffitta P.
Spandre G.
Swartz D.
Tamagawa T.
Tavecchio F.
Taverna R.
Tawara Y.
Tennant A.
Thomas N.
Tombesi F.
Trois A.
Turolla R.
Vink J.
Weisskopf M.
Wu K.
Xie F.
Zane S.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Simultaneous and panchromatic observations of the fast radio burst FRB 20180916B
Trudu M.
Pilia M.
Nicastro L.
Guidorzi C.
Orlandini M.
Zampieri L.
Marthi V.
Ambrosino F.
Possenti A.
Burgay M.
Casentini C.
Мереминский, И.
Savchenko V.
Palazzi E.
Panessa F.
Ridolfi A.
Verrecchia F.
Anedda M.
Bernardi G.
Bachetti M.
Буренин, Р.
Burtovoi A.
Casella P.
Fiori M.
Frontera F.
Gajjar V.
Gardini A.
Ge M.
Guijarro-Roman A.
Ghedina A.
Hermelo I.
Jia S.
Li C.
Liao J.
Li X.
Lu F.
Лутовинов, А.
Naletto G.
Ochner P.
Papitto A.
Perri M.
Pittori C.
Safonov B.
Семена, А.
Strakhov I.
Tavani M.
Ursi A.
Xiong S.
Zhang S.
Zheltoukhov S.
Astronomy Letters
Spectral and Temporal Analysis of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J16195-4945 with SRG/ART-XC
Satybaldiev M.
Мереминский, И.
Лутовинов, А.
Карасев, Д.
Семена, А.
Штыковский, А.
The Astrophysical Journal
Properties of the Extremely Energetic GRB 221009A from Konus-WIND and SRG/ART-XC Observations
Frederiks D.
Svinkin D.
Lysenko A.
Мольков, С.
Tsvetkova A.
Ulanov M.
Ridnaia A.
Лутовинов, А.
Лапшов, И.
Ткаченко, А.
Левин, В.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
ULX pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 observations with NuSTAR: dominance of reflected emission in the super-Eddington state
Bykov S.
Гильфанов, М.
Tsygankov S.
Филиппова, Е.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Constraints on the magnetic field structure in accreting compact objects from aperiodic variability
Monkkonen J.
Tsygankov S.
Mushtukov A.
Doroshenko V.
Suleimanov V.
Poutanen J.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of PSR B0656+14 with SRG/eROSITA and XMM-Newton
Schwope A.
Pires A.
Kurpas J.
Doroshenko V.
Suleimanov V.
Freyberg M.
Becker W.
Dennerl K.
Haberl F.
Lamer G.
Maitra C.
Potekhin A.
Ramos-Ceja M.
Santangelo A.
Traulsen I.
Werner K.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
SRG/ART-XC, Swift, NICER, and NuSTAR study of different states of the transient X-ray pulsar MAXI J0903-531
Tsygankov S.
Мольков, С.
Doroshenko V.
Mushtukov A.
Мереминский, И.
Семена, А.
Thalhammer P.
Wilms J.
Лутовинов, А.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Losing a minute every two years: SRG X-ray view of the rapidly accelerating X-ray pulsar SXP 1323
Мереминский, И.
Mushtukov A.
Лутовинов, А.
Tsygankov S.
Семена, А.
Мольков, С.
Штыковский, А.
Astronomy Letters
All-Sky Monitor for High-Accuracy Measurement of the Cosmic X-ray Background Onboard the International Space Station
Сербинов, Д.
Семена, Н.
Семена, А.
Лутовинов, А.
Левин, В.
Мольков, С.
Кривченко, А.
Ротин, А.
Кузнецова, М.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Physical modelling of viscous disc evolution around magnetized neutron star. Aql X-1 2013 outburst decay
Lipunova G.
Malanchev K.
Tsygankov S.
Shakura N.
Tavleev A.
Kolesnikov D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
On the nature of the X-ray pulsar XTE J1859+083 and its broad-band properties
Salganik A.
Tsygankov S.
Djupvik A.
Карасев, Д.
Лутовинов, А.
Buckley D.
Gromadzki M.
Poutanen J.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Broad-band analysis of X-ray pulsar 2S 1845-024
Nabizadeh A.
Tsygankov S.
Мольков, С.
Карасев, Д.
Ji L.
Лутовинов, А.
Poutanen J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Pulsating iron spectral features in the emission of X-ray pulsar V 0332+53
Bykov S.
Филиппова, Е.
Гильфанов, М.
Tsygankov S.
Лутовинов, А.
Мольков, С.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Two-blackbody portraits of radiation from magnetized neutron stars
Yakovlev D.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Spectral evolution of X-ray pulsar 4U 1901+03 during the 2019 outburst based on Insight-HXMT and NuSTAR observations
Nabizadeh A.
Tsygankov S.
Ji L.
Doroshenko V.
Мольков, С.
Tuo Y.
Zhang S.
Lu F.
Poutanen J.
Physics Reports
Heat blanketing envelopes of neutron stars
Beznogov M.
Potekhin A.
Yakovlev D.
Multi-Wavelength Properties of the 2021 Periastron Passage of PSR B1259-63
Chernyakova M.
Malyshev D.
van Soelen B.
O'Sullivan S.
Sobey C.
Tsygankov S.
Mc Keague S.
Green J.
Kirwan M.
Santangelo A.
Puhlhofer G.
Monageng I.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Broadband X-ray spectra and timing of the accreting millisecond pulsar Swift J1756.9-2508 during its 2018 and 2019 outbursts
Li Z.
Kuiper L.
Falanga M.
Poutanen J.
Tsygankov S.
Galloway D.
Bozzo E.
Pan Y.
Huang Y.
Zhang S.
Experimental Astronomy
MVN experiment - All sky monitor for measuring cosmic X-ray background of the universe onboard the ISS
Сербинов, Д.
Павлинский, М.
Семена, А.
Семена, Н.
Лутовинов, А.
Мольков, С.
Бунтов, М.
Арефьев, В.
Лапшов, И.
Astronomy Letters
Phase-Resolved Spectroscopy of the Magnetar SGR J1745-2900 Based on Data from the NuSTAR Observatory
Штыковская (Кузнецова), Е.
Лутовинов, А.
Семена, А.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Pulsating ULXs: large pulsed fraction excludes strong beaming
Mushtukov A.
Portegies Zwart S.
Tsygankov S.
Nagirner D.
Poutanen J.
New Astronomy Reviews
The INTEGRAL view of the pulsating hard X-ray sky: from accreting and transitional millisecond pulsars to rotation-powered pulsars and magnetars
Papitto A.
Falanga M.
Hermsen W.
Mereghetti S.
Kuiper L.
Poutanen J.
Bozzo E.
Ambrosino F.
Coti Zelati F.
De Falco V.
de Martino D.
Di Salvo T.
Esposito P.
Ferrigno C.
Forot M.
Gotz D.
Gouiffes C.
Iaria R.
Laurent P.
Li J.
Li Z.
Mineo T.
Moran P.
Neronov A.
Paizis A.
Rea N.
Riggio A.
Sanna A.
Savchenko V.
Slowikowska A.
Shearer A.
Tiengo A.
Torres D.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Magnetospheric return-current-heated atmospheres of rotation-powered millisecond pulsars
Salmi T.
Suleimanov V.
Nattila J.
Poutanen J.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
High-energy characteristics of the accretion-powered millisecond pulsar IGR J17591-2342 during its 2018 outburst. XMM-Newton, NICER, NuSTAR, and INTEGRAL view of the 0.3-300 keV X-ray band
Kuiper L.
Tsygankov S.
Falanga M.
Мереминский, И.
Galloway D.
Poutanen J.
Li Z.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Accurate analytic formula for light bending in Schwarzschild metric
Poutanen J.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Observational appearance of rapidly rotating neutron stars. X-ray bursts, cooling tail method, and radius determination
Suleimanov V.
Poutanen J.
Werner K.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations from neutron star spreading layers
Abolmasov P.
Nattila J.
Poutanen J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Discovery of a retrogradely rotating neutron star in the X-ray pulsar GX 301-2
Monkkonen J.
Doroshenko V.
Tsygankov S.
Nabizadeh A.
Abolmasov P.
Poutanen J.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
The unusual behavior of the young X-ray pulsar SXP 1062 during the 2019 outburst
Tsygankov S.
Doroshenko V.
Mushtukov A.
Haberl F.
Vasilopoulos G.
Maitra C.
Santangelo A.
Лутовинов, А.
Poutanen J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Spectral and temporal properties of Compton scattering by mildly relativistic thermal electrons
Zdziarski A.
Szanecki M.
Poutanen J.
Gierlinski M.
Biernacki P.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Burst-induced coronal cooling in GS 1826-24. The clock wagging its tail
Sanchez-Fernandez C.
Kajava J.
Poutanen J.
Kuulkers E.
Suleimanov V.
Experimental Astronomy
On-ground calibration of the ART-XC/SRG mirror system and detector unit at IKI. Part III
Павлинский, М.
Ткаченко, А.
Левин, В.
Кривченко, А.
Ротин, А.
Кузнецова, М.
Лапшов, И.
Кривонос, Р.
Семена, А.
Семена, Н.
Сербинов, Д.
Штыковский, А.
Яскович, А.
Олейников, В.
Глушенко, А.
Мереминский, И.
Мольков, С.
Сазонов, С.
Арефьев, В.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Observational constraints on the magnetic field of the bright transient Be/X-ray pulsar SXP 4.78
Семена, А.
Лутовинов, А.
Мереминский, И.
Tsygankov S.
Штыковский, А.
Мольков, С.
Poutanen J.
The Astrophysical Journal
Pulsar Wind-heated Accretion Disk and the Origin of Modes in Transitional Millisecond Pulsar PSR J1023+0038
Veledina A.
Nattila J.
Beloborodov A.
The Astrophysical Journal
Pulsating in Unison at Optical and X-Ray Energies: Simultaneous High Time Resolution Observations of the Transitional Millisecond Pulsar PSR J1023+0038
Papitto A.
Ambrosino F.
Stella L.
Torres D.
Coti Zelati F.
Ghedina A.
Meddi F.
Sanna A.
Casella P.
Dallilar Y.
Eikenberry S.
Israel G.
Onori F.
Piranomonte S.
Bozzo E.
Burderi L.
Campana S.
de Martino D.
Di Salvo T.
Ferrigno C.
Rea N.
Riggio A.
Serrano S.
Veledina A.
Zampieri L.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Soft excess in the quiescent Be/X-ray pulsar RX J0812.4-3114
Zhao Y.
Heinke C.
Tsygankov S.
Ho W.
Potekhin A.
Shaw A.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Effects of Compton scattering on the neutron star radius constraints in rotation-powered millisecond pulsars
Salmi T.
Suleimanov V.
Poutanen J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Broad-band aperiodic variability in X-ray pulsars: accretion rate fluctuations propagating under the influence of viscous diffusion
Mushtukov A.
Lipunova G.
Ingram A.
Tsygankov S.
Monkkonen J.
van der Klis M.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Super-Eddington accretion discs with advection and outflows around magnetized neutron stars
Chashkina A.
Lipunova G.
Abolmasov P.
Poutanen J.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Evidence for the radiation-pressure dominated accretion disk in bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28 using timing analysis
Monkkonen J.
Tsygankov S.
Mushtukov A.
Doroshenko V.
Suleimanov V.
Poutanen J.
Experimental Astronomy
On-ground calibration of the ART-XC/SRG mirror system and detector unit at IKI. Part II
Павлинский, М.
Ткаченко, А.
Левин, В.
Кривченко, А.
Ротин, А.
Кузнецова, М.
Лапшов, И.
Кривонос, Р.
Семена, А.
Семена, Н.
Сербинов, Д.
Штыковский, А.
Яскович, А.
Олейников, В.
Глушенко, А.
Мереминский, И.
Мольков, С.
Сазонов, С.
Арефьев, В.
The Astrophysical Journal
Thermal Emission and Magnetic Beaming in the Radio and X-Ray Mode-switching PSR B0943+10
Rigoselli M.
Mereghetti S.
Turolla R.
Taverna R.
Suleimanov V.
Potekhin A.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Dramatic spectral transition of X-ray pulsar GX 304-1 in low luminous state
Tsygankov S.
Rouco Escorial A.
Suleimanov V.
Mushtukov A.
Doroshenko V.
Лутовинов, А.
Wijnands R.
Poutanen J.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Study of the X-ray pulsar IGR J19294+1816 with NuSTAR: Detection of cyclotron line and transition to accretion from the cold disk
Tsygankov S.
Doroshenko V.
Mushtukov A.
Лутовинов, А.
Poutanen J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Discovery of a cyclotron absorption line in the transient X-ray pulsar XTE J1829-098
Штыковский, А.
Лутовинов, А.
Tsygankov S.
Мольков, С.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Interplay of spectral components in timing properties of accreting compact objects
Veledina A.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mixed H/He bursts in SAX J1748.9-2021 during the spectral change of its 2015 outburst
Li Z.
De Falco V.
Falanga M.
Bozzo E.
Kuiper L.
Poutanen J.
Cumming A.
Galloway D.
Zhang S.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Accretion heated atmospheres of X-ray bursting neutron stars
Suleimanov V.
Poutanen J.
Werner K.
The Astrophysical Journal
Discovery of X-Rays from the Old and Faint Pulsar J1154-6250
Igoshev A.
Tsygankov S.
Rigoselli M.
Mereghetti S.
Popov S.
Elfritz J.
Mushtukov A.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Bayesian parameter constraints for neutron star masses and radii using X-ray timing observations of accretion-powered millisecond pulsars
Salmi T.
Nattila J.
Poutanen J.
The Astrophysical Journal
Evidence for the Photoionization Absorption Edge in a Photospheric Radius Expansion X-Ray Burst from GRS 1747-312 in Terzan 6
Li Z.
Suleimanov V.
Poutanen J.
Salmi T.
Falanga M.
Nattila J.
Xu R.